Enola Holmes 2 is a must watch

Enola Holmes 2 is the sequel to Enola Holmes, following Enola and her adventure throw London on a Wilde goose chase to find a missing girl.


Harry Bradbeer

Return to London: Enola Holmes 2 movie poster. Directed by Harry BradBeer and writer by Jack Thorne.

“You’re a man when I tell you, you’re a man,” said Enola Holmes protagonist of Netflix’s recent film Enola Holmes 2.

On Oct 27, 2022 Enola Holmes 2 was released to Netflix and within hours of its release it was already one of the top ten tracking movies on Netflix. The movie takes place in late 19th century London Following Enola as she searches through the city on a wild goose chase for a missing match girl.

The historical drama, mystery and romance movie is not one that I would normally watch. Historical romance makes me gag and 99.9% of mystery films have me drifting off to sleep before the name of the protagonist is even said.

But the witty banter, the stubborn and independent heroine of this film; Enola Holmes 2 has a choke hold on me and I have become so obsessed with the movie that I have watched over three hours with of Holmsburry (the ship name of the main couple Enola and Tuskebury) edits within the last week.

The movie does an amazing job incorporating themes from the late 1800s through the costume and language used but also brought a modern twist to the genre. Unlike many other historical dramas, the main romance between Enola and her love interest Viscount Tewksbury, Enola is not a quiet and submissive woman; she is instead the leader in the relationship and takes charge when other Historical heroines do not.

The two hour movie is liked by 95% my google users and has an 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

While Millie Bobby Brown is infamous and widely known for her role on Stranger Things Eleven, but her performance in Enola Holmes 2 shows viewers just how board her acting ability is. Yet playing strong and independent young women is Browns speciality, which accurately portray how Brown in off screen as well.