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The Student News Site of GlenOak High School

The Eagle

The Eagle

The Eagle

Publications policies

The Eagle is published by and for the students at GlenOak High School four times a year plus an online website. Both publications operate as a forum for student expression and the free, open, robust and uninhibited discussion of ideas and issues. Freedom of expression carries with it an obligation to the highest ideals of the journalistic profession. Published items may not contain libel or obscenity, create a material and substantial disruption of school activities, invade the privacy of individuals, incite violence or lawless behavior, violate the laws of copyright or violate community standards of appropriateness.

Good taste will be reflected in all content. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the author only and do not represent the views of Plain Local Schools, its administration or its staff.

Letters to the editors are encouraged. Any student or staff member wishing to submit a letter to the editors may turn in his or her letter in room C208, to Mrs. Spano’s mailbox or to any Eagle reporter. All letters to the editor must be signed and will be checked for fact

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Publications policies