Infinity Pool: Worth the Watch?

A complex film with deep meaning.

A deep red poster representing James Foster’s decent into hedonism and violence.

With themes of Sexual immorality, self-indulgence and humanity, the horror movie “Infinity Pool” has a lot to unpack.

Infinity Pool has great cinematography and lighting. Director Brandon Cronenberg uses many long-panning shots of nature to create a sense of malaise (a sense of discomfort or unease) among the audience.

As I watched these long shots of nature, a sense of foreboding came over me as the shots were paired with a spectacularly eerie soundtrack by Tim Hecker.

The plot is quite strange but also intriguing. The film starts with couple James Foster  and Em Foster (Alexander Skarsgård and Cleopatra Coleman) vacationing on an island resort.

The couple soon meet Gabi Baur (Mia Goth) and her husband Alban Baur (Jalil Lespert) and venture away from the resort for a day out of fun.

Soon after this, James finds himself involved with a new group of ultra wealthy tourists and falls down a rabbit hole of murder and immorality.

Cinematography during dialogue between characters is also remarkable and full of meaning. when the protagonist, James Foster, meets the antagonist, Gabi, I immediately knew something was off.

In videography the typical shot for characters conversing is the over-the-shoulder shot with the character on the left and right sides of the screen.

During James’ and Gabi’s first conversations however, this method is not used.

The shots are not over the shoulder but the characters were merely facing the edge of the screen.

Instead of that, each character had their own shot. Gabi faced the right side of her shot and James faced the left side of his shot. Without nose room for the character this technique creates a sense of discomfort.

Not only this, but the rule of thirds is employed to create an interesting and intriguing shot.

The soundtrack is not only used to imbed uneasiness into the viewer but it is also used for intense and thrilling moments.

In some scenes the soundtrack is loud and pounding with many psychedelic aspects to go along with the psychedelic visuals.

Ultimately, I think “Infinity Pool” is worth the watch. At times the plot is confusing, so you may need to watch the film multiple times to fully understand its themes. But with its stellar soundtrack, great camera-work, and deep meanings many types of people can enjoy and take away lots from the film